Head Tracker v2.2

Welcome to the Head Tracker Project!

If you're an RC enthusiast with a FPV headset, at some point you might have thought wouldn't it be cool if you could turn your head and the camera would follow. That is the intention of this project.

There are a few ways to get started with this project you will need one of the supported boards. There are two more since v2.1, see Hardware Required for the choices.

Some users have reported bad drift on this version. If you have this issue either revert back to v2.1 or try the development builds (see note below). I think the issue was found but more feedback is needed.

This v2.2 release has issues running the most recent Nano 33 BLE Revision 2 boards. Both the Sense and no-Sense variants. If you own one of these boards it's still in development. You will have to download them here until a release is ready. Please see the Git Workflow and Actionson how to download the development builds if you don't want to compile yourself. Shortcut links - You must be logged into GitHub to download the artifacts(compiled files) - Most recent ones are at the top of the list Firmware - Master (Development) Branch Windows GUI - Master (Development) Branch Linux GUI - Master (Development) Branch MacOS GUI builds - Currently Offline. It needs updating.


  • All sensors are already included on the supported boards

  • Directly communicate with Bluetooth radios. Taranis X9d+2019, Horus X10, Taranis QX7S, Taranis, etc.. Both PARA and Bluetooth Trainer wireless is supported as of V2.0+

  • Bluetooth wireless link is available using a second board. It acts like a FRSky remote and outputs PPM or SBUS. For those that don't have a PARA transmitter and want wireless.

  • No switch to reset zero is needed. Can use the proximity sensor with the BLE Sense or the BLE Sense Rev 2 and just place your hand over it.

  • Physical reset zero switch is available on the head or remote board.

  • A reset zero event can be configured by rolling your head from one side to the other, so no switch is needed.

  • A reset zero event can be configured to send a pulse on a specified output channel. This can be interpreted by the Radio to play an audio track like "camera recentered".

  • No compiling code. A flash uploader is included in the GUI with ready to go firmware online.

  • Calibration is easily done in the GUI with wizard and visual feedback.

  • Gyrometer is calibrated every time the board is still.

  • PPM Output signal is completely configurable so it will work with many radios. Spektrum DX users please read this DX18

  • PPM Input, overrides the channels of your choice and outputs via PPM or Bluetooth (The Arduino Nano Series of the boards is 3.3v Only please verify your PPM signal level before connecting, see PPM Input)

  • PPM input can be input from the remote or the head board

  • SBUS output from either head or remote boards

  • Ability to mount in any orientation with board rotation see General there is a video to set it properly.

  • 4x PWM Outputs on the Arduino Nano Series

  • 4x Analog inputs on the Nano33, 3x Analogs on the DTQ board

  • USB Joystick Output. Allows use of channels 1-8 as a HID joystick device. You can setup to receive PPM/Bluetooth from your radio and use it on your favorite simulator if your radio doesn't already support a simulator.

  • SBUS Input

  • CRSF Input and Output

  • WebBLE based interface to configure some settings in the field with your phone. Use this web page to configure http://www.headtracker.net. Hold down the center button and press reset once to force the board Bluetooth head mode if you don't have it enabled. See WebBLEfor more information.

What's next on the list to support

  • XIAO board support.

    • This board is nice and small, it doesn't have a magnetometer but works well enough still. It can be used a receiver board instead of another Nano.

    • Wasn't quite ready for v2.2 but you can try it by checking out the development version Git Workflow and Actions

  • Board orientation needs to be simplified

    • It's not straight forward right now to mount the board in an odd orientation. This can be improved with a procedure using the accelerometer to rotate the frame pointing down, then some kind of motion (look up, look down) which can then determine what forward is.

Don't want to assemble one, Buy a ready to go kit

Medlin Drone - Head Tracker and various mounts for drones

Motionsic - Head Tracker and a nice Gimbal too.

Last updated